I want to get something off my chest. In June 2011 I ordered a Eureka Models’ Victorian Railways’ Bogie Open Wagon 3-Pack (2 VR E wagons and 1SAR O wagon) along with their OT back. At the time I was assured that they were in production and due in 12 weeks. In addition I was told that Phillip Dunn was involved in checking the design (so I thought they should be ok).
Although the OT’s arrived the E wagons have been delayed and delayed. I forget the story of old factories and new factories and new “new factory” and Chinese New Year which Ron has told me over the years to explain the delays. Privately I always suspected that as Orient Express Reproductions released the OB wagon in late 2011 Ron was waiting for demand to build up again.
Phoenix Reproductions has taken over some of Ron’s old projects including the E wagons. I emailed Ron to ask how my order was to be filled he replied that Phoenix was supplying him with a number of models and that mine would come from Eureka’s stocks.
Nothing happened thereafter. At least from the Eureka side of things except a note in the latest AMRM asking those with orders not filled from Eureka to contact them. Which I have done twice by email using the address on their website which is the same one that they last sent me the Eureka Times. Still nothing.
I fronted up to the Eureka stand at the AMRA show yesterday and spoke to Ron. When asked where my order was his attitude was immediately defensive. He hadn’t got enough models from Phoenix – they had left him short. They were going to supply him with more next week …etc (a view I might note Phoenix disagrees with). I asked why he didn’t reply to my emails he shrugged his shoulders and said, “but I get 50 a week, I don’t read them” (this to someone who would get at least 50 per day). I said “but I am a customer” again the shrugged shoulders and no reply.
What an appalling attitude to a paid-up customer. The whole saga seems to have been one of optimism and self-interest. I am quite disillusioned as I thought despite the wait, I would get the model but now I guess not. I will be interested if I will get my money back.
I posted these comments on the Australian Finer Scale Rail Modelling and our Too Regular Distractions group on FB where it was reported for being RTR nevertheless there were numerous comments pointing to similar experiences with Eureka and ron Cunningham.
Faced with the option of no RTR E wagons I then ordered a pack from Phoenix ASAP and began to search my legal options to get my money back. About a week later I got an email from Ron saying that he had dispatched my order and a confirmation from Phoenix (!). They all arrived and I should say that I have no problems with the models just the whole Eureka experience.
I would advise not dealing with Eureka and Ron Cunningham altogether.
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