The Southern Cross Model Railway Association runs an annual thematic seminar on matters relating to modelling the railways of NSW. It is usually held in a community centre in Epping with a spit roast provided. I have been to a few – notably one with a just broken foot.
The topic for this year was Cement and the running order was:
Modern Day Cement Trains - Alex Nadalini
Cement Wagons -John Beckhaus
Portland Cement works -Howard Armstrong
Cement plants and their railways - Trevor Moore
Kitbashing a limestone wagon - Alec Warner
Weathering your Cement Wagons - Mike Crompton
Models for Cement - Trevor Moore
Modelling a Cement Batching Plant -Marcus Ammann
Smaldon the layout -Geoff & Ben Small
Closing Discussion -John Parker
It was a well run event and for me very useful in giving me lots of ideas about modelling approaches and techniques.
Here is Marcus Ammann’s presentation –this view unfortunately shows off the bald pates of the audience!
A sample of the model rolling stock is below.

I am not sure who is doing this but a cement works is under construction in HO and it looks pretty good.
Below is one of the curves on Smaldon Curve.
This model shows what you can achieve with a simple concept. Better still it was completed one of a number of models Geoff Small has completed to exhibition standard(roughly 1 every 2 years).